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Assistant Professor

Management & Human Resources

 Profile picture


Ekaterina Netchaeva is an Assistant Professor of Management and Human Resources at HEC Paris. She holds a PhD in Organizational Behavior from the University of Utah as well as a BSc in Microbiology and Immunology and a BA in Psychology from the University of British Columbia. Prior to joining HEC Paris, she was an Assistant Professor at Bocconi University and a visiting Assistant Professor at London Business School.

Ekaterina’s research focuses on gender bias in the workplace, women’s everyday experiences at work, work-family interface and team dynamics, and was published in leading academic journals, such as Organization Science, Psychological Science, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Her work has also been covered by various media outlets, including MIT Sloane Review, BBC radio, The Atlantic, Yahoo, and Huffington Post.

Ekaterina has taught courses in the Bachelor, Master and PhD programs on organizational behavior, leadership, diversity management, and high-performance teams

Scientific articles

Meaningfulness is a luxury? How daily meaningful work activities and financial resources influence daily meaning and purpose in life

International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2024, vol. 35, n° 13, pp 2283-2308, (in coll. with A. C. Romney, I. H. Smith, A. P. Brief)

What we are pushed to do versus what we want to do: Comparing the unique effects of citizenship pressure and actual citizenship behavior on fatigue and family behaviors"

Journal of Vocational Behavior, Mars 2023, vol. 141, n° 103845, (in coll. with R. ILIES, M. MAGNI, J. YAO)

An Examination of Mind Perception and Moral Reasoning in Ethical Decision-Making: A Mixed-Methods Approach

Journal of Business Ethics, Mars 2023, vol. 183, pp 671–690, (in coll. with I. H. Smith, A. T. Soderberg, G. A. Okhuysen)

A meta-analytic review of the gender difference in leadership aspirations

Journal of Vocational Behavior, September 2022, n° 103744, (in coll. with L. D. Sheppard, T. Balushkina)

It’s a man’s world! the role of political ideology in the early stages of leader recruitment

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, January 2021, vol. 162, pp 24-41, (in coll. with B. OC, M. KOUCHAKI)

Breaking the Cycle of Bias That Works Against Women Leaders

MIT Sloan Management Review, Mars 2021, (in coll. with M. KOUCHAKI, B. OC)

The Woman in Red: Examining the Effect of Ovulatory Cycle on Women’s Perceptions of and Behaviors Toward Other Women

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, August 2018, vol. 44, n° 8, pp 1180-1200, (in coll. with M. Kouchaki)

Adapting to fill the void: Dynamic group coordination as a function of differing domain roles and instrumentality

European Journal of Social Psychology, 19 2016, vol. 46, n° 1, pp 63-76, (in coll. with B. L. Bonner, M. R. Baumann)

Strategically Stunning: The Professional Motivations Behind the Lipstick Effect

Psychological Science, August 2016, vol. 27, n° 8, pp 1157-1168, (in coll. with M. Rees)

A Man’s (Precarious) Place: Men’s Experienced Threat and Self-Assertive Reactions to Female Superiors

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, September 2015, vol. 41, n° 9, pp 1247-1259, (in coll. with M. Kouchaki, L. D. Sheppard)


The Unique Effects of Citizenship Pressure and Citizenship Behavior on Fatigue and Family Behaviors

2023 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , 2023 , 2023 , 1 (R. Ilies, M. Magni, J. Yao)

An Examination of the Effects of Sharing Work Events with the Spouse at Home

2022 AOM conference , 2022 , 2022 , 1 (R. Ilies, K. J. Lin, S. S. Y. Aw)

At Face Value: The Effect of Facial Traits on Social Networks and Job Performance Evaluations

2022 AOM conference , 2022 , 2022 , 1 (A. Iorio, G. Soda)

It’s Been a Hard Day’s Night! The Effects of After-Hours Mobile Use on Next Day Outcomes

2022 AOM conference , 2022 , 2022 , 1 (M. Magni, R. Ilies, J. Yao)

Scientific articles

Meaningfulness is a luxury? How daily meaningful work activities and financial resources influence daily meaning and purpose in life

International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2024, vol. 35, n° 13, pp 2283-2308, (in coll. with A. C. Romney, I. H. Smith, A. P. Brief)

An Examination of Mind Perception and Moral Reasoning in Ethical Decision-Making: A Mixed-Methods Approach

Journal of Business Ethics, Mars 2023, vol. 183, pp 671–690, (in coll. with I. H. Smith, A. T. Soderberg, G. A. Okhuysen)

What we are pushed to do versus what we want to do: Comparing the unique effects of citizenship pressure and actual citizenship behavior on fatigue and family behaviors"

Journal of Vocational Behavior, Mars 2023, vol. 141, n° 103845, (in coll. with R. ILIES, M. MAGNI, J. YAO)

A meta-analytic review of the gender difference in leadership aspirations

Journal of Vocational Behavior, September 2022, n° 103744, (in coll. with L. D. Sheppard, T. Balushkina)


The Unique Effects of Citizenship Pressure and Citizenship Behavior on Fatigue and Family Behaviors

2023 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , 2023 , 2023 , 1 (R. Ilies, M. Magni, J. Yao)

An Examination of the Effects of Sharing Work Events with the Spouse at Home

2022 AOM conference , 2022 , 2022 , 1 (R. Ilies, K. J. Lin, S. S. Y. Aw)

At Face Value: The Effect of Facial Traits on Social Networks and Job Performance Evaluations

2022 AOM conference , 2022 , 2022 , 1 (A. Iorio, G. Soda)

It’s Been a Hard Day’s Night! The Effects of After-Hours Mobile Use on Next Day Outcomes

2022 AOM conference , 2022 , 2022 , 1 (M. Magni, R. Ilies, J. Yao)


  • Ph.D., Management, David Eccles School of Business - USA

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2022- Assistant Professor, Management and Human Resources HEC Paris
  • 2022- Member of GREGHEC, the joint research laboratory CNRS-HEC Paris, GREGHEC HEC Paris

External Academic Responsibilities

  • 2019-2019 Visiting Assistant Professor of Organizational Behaviour London Business School

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • Academy of Management, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Society for Personality and Social Psychology

Editorial activities

  • Ad-Hoc reviewer, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes