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Merit based scholarships from the hec paris foundation, providing an opportunity for international students to pursue their studies at HEC Paris

The Scholarship Award Ceremony rewards talented students from all around the world

ceremonie remise bourse

194 international students studying MiM, MS and MSc programs received assistance this year by the HEC Foundation. They were invited to attend the ceremony on the 7th of September organised in their honour, to present them with the grants that they had been awarded based on their academic achievement.

The Delegate General from the HEC Paris Foundation, Barabara de Colombe, the Associate Dean of the School, Eloïc Peyrache, were all present for the presentation of the HEC Paris Excellence Scholarship certificates.

For many years now, the School has been committed to enabling the most deserving of students to pursue their studies on their program of study, in their institution. This framework of financial support, thanks to the considerable support given by the community of graduates and businesses, falls under the actions of the HEC Paris Foundation which aim to improve social and cultural inclusion.

A helping hand for students of all geographical origins

The scholarships awarded by HEC Paris enable it this year to support talented students originating from 32 countries through a key stage in their studies.

Thierry Simon, a loyal donor to the Foundation, explains the sense of obligation he feels to the talented students, who are in the midst of a key stage in their academic education.

Thierry Simon, member of the Executive Board of the Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, HEC alumnus and loyal donor to the HEC Foundation

A foundation is a vital tool in “leveraging” powerful forces, values and the school‘s alumni network. After a long career in finance, I wanted to use my experience to help the younger generation. I see my involvement in this foundation overall as an essential gesture to support education and in turn to help society benefit from it.
The scholarships awarded to international Master’s students provide support for them during a pivotal stage in their lives, in anticipation of their entrance into the professional world. They are acquiring a sense of the career direction that they wish to pursue and this must match their deepest inspirations and motivations. That is why, in addition to my financial support, I’ve chosen to get involved in mentoring schemes for students.

Some students tell us what it means to them to have been awarded this scholarship and express their pride in being able to benefit from this financial assistance, which has can prove highly valuable in the smooth progression of their studies.

Wilfrid Akotangni, Beninese, student of the Grande Ecole MiM Program


When I told my friends that I had been accepted to study at HEC Paris, some of them asked me how I was going to manage financially. I’ve grown up in a setting where the foremost priorities leave little room for education. As a result, throughout my studies, I’ve had to resign myself to seeing some exceptionally bright people give up this right. Nonetheless, the many sacrifices that my parents and family have made have allowed my own schooling to be a relatively peaceful experience.

As an energy engineer, specialising in sustainable development projects, I’ve been lucky enough to travel to many villages in West Africa in order to bring some light to these communities.

The work of the HEC Paris Foundation truly acts as a bridge between my desire to succeed and my ability to fulfil it. “Anitchè” is how we say thank you in Mandingo! Thank you for enabling me to look toward this new school year with more composure financially by granting me this scholarship. Even if I still haven’t won the financial war, then at least this grant will still allow me to dare to enjoy the journey! After all, isn’t the motto of the School the more you learn, the more you dare? Thank you for allowing us to continue to have faith in the idea that achievement is indeed rewarded and, hence, in the future!

I cannot finish without mentioning how much I would love to be a part of HEC’s outreach scheme in the future as a donor, since people from disadvantaged backgrounds are overflowing with talent which only these types of initiatives can unlock.

Seryn Kang, South Korea, MSc International Finance student

seryn kang

I’m a graduate of the EWHA Womans University of Seoul, with a double specialisation in Chemistry and Management. I’ve always wanted to spend time living abroad, first choosing to go to Norway as part of an academic exchange scheme and then doing an internship in New York.
To receive this scholarship is a huge honour for me. Not only does it help me to fund part of my tuition fees, but it makes me really feel like I belong as part of the School.

Since my arrival at HEC, I’ve met so many bright students from a wide range of different educational backgrounds, which makes it all the more amazing that I’ve been given this scholarship. This merit-based grant will help me become more confident that I’ve not only reached my academic goals but also I’ve got to be a part of this incredible community of students. Whenever I find myself faced with difficulties to overcome, I will be able to look back on this unbelievable time that I’ve been able to have during my studies here in France.