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United Against the Coronavirus Epidemic United Against the Coronavirus Epidemic

The HEC Paris General Management teams are working closely with students, professors and staff in order to support them in the context of this health crisis and offer solutions adapted to the current situation.

All HEC Paris teams, on campus, working from home or abroad, are fully mobilized for the well-being of the members of our community.

This page is updated regularly, depending on the information available.

French authorities continue to monitor the pandemic and encourage vaccinations. A European health pass has been put in place and is mandatory for access to certain places on French territory. Here are the main health implications for HEC Paris:

(Information below is valid on the day of its publication, and is likely to change according to the health situation and possible future regulatory and legislative changes)

HEC Paris - Pass sanitaireA "health pass" is now required to access public places for recreational and cultural activities that bring together 50 people or more (theaters, cinemas, sports centers, theme parks, museums, festivals). Since August 1, the health pass is also required to go to restaurants, bars, and larger shopping malls. It is also necessary and for travelling by plane or long-distance buses and trains. 

The health pass is valid if you are:

  1. fully vaccinated + incubation time (varies per vaccine) with a vaccine that is recognized by the European Medicines Agency, 
  2. or tested negative (less than 48 hours for activities and no more than 72 hours for travel), 
  3. or have been tested positive with COVID (PCR-test) more than 11 days, but no more than 6 months ago.

Health pass is not required for access to the higher education facilities: classrooms, offices, learning center, dining facilities (students and staff) and all other buildings, except for specific locations listed in the following point.

A valid health pass is required to access indoor sports halls with a capacity of more than 50 people, student bars (Kfet in the M building), Gustave restaurant. It is also mandatory to participate in certain trips, events or non-academic activities to be specified in a future ministerial circular.

HEC Paris - Vaccin Covid-19Thus, to fully profit from your HEC Paris experience and from social life in France, we strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated before the start of the new academic year.

  • A testing service is available in front of the campus entrance. The tests are free upon presentation of a Vitale card. If you do not have one, the tests now have to be paid for (about 50€). NB: as of mid-October, tests will be charged to everyone, except for those with a medical prescription.
  • Vaccination is free and strongly encouraged. A slot of 10 vaccinations per day is available for our students (Vélizy center). Contact the medical service ( to make a reservation.
  • Students who have tested positive for the virus or who are contact cases must make themselves known to the medical service (, or to the administration.
  • Students who have already been vaccinated and who are contact cases are no longer required to isolate themselves and can continue to attend classes and live normally on campus. They will need to be tested negative. 
  • Unvaccinated students who are contact cases are required to isolate themselves completely for a period of 10 days and to be tested before resuming normal classroom activity on campus.

For those of you who come from abroad, we urge you to consult the latest rules regarding entry into France (which vary depending on the "COVID-color" of your country and whether you are vaccinated or not).

Masks must be worn in all classrooms and buildings, except for the indoor sports halls, the Kfet in the M building and the dining rooms (Self / Gustave / Château). However, it is still mandatory to wear a mask when moving inside the dining rooms.

No gauge is required in the classrooms. On the other hand, distances marked on the tables inside the dining room must be respected. A dedicated space for staff is available. A capacity of 50% is maintained in the meeting rooms, and of 4 m² per person in the offices.

Accommodations or make-ups can be arranged for students who are ill or in forced isolation during face-to-face exams

Access to the Château - classified as a hotel restaurant - requires the daily presentation of a valid health pass at the main reception. Access to the Best Western also requires the presentation of a valid health pass at the main entrance. Direct passages between the campus and the Best Western are closed. 

Meetings/conferences/gatherings of more than 50 employees or other external persons, of a festive nature and not mandatory, are subject to the obligation of a valid health pass. Examples: cocktail parties, picnics, conferences with cocktails, staff meetings with families .... The control of health passes will be done by the persons in charge of the event thanks to the TousAntiCovid Verif application (available for free on the Apple and Google stores). For large events requiring assistance, organizers should request assistance several days in advance from security. The cost will be charged to the relevant event budget.

Implementing Safe Measures

HEC Paris - Sanitary Measures

Important COVID-19 information, sanitary measures, campus adaptations, internal regulations and FAQs are always available to students via the intranet portal. Students must pay close attention to new rules on and off-campus and strictly respect all of them for the safety and well-being of the whole HEC Paris community. Current cases (contact or confirmed) at HEC Paris are tracked and updated every Tuesday. Currently, PCR tests are available every day of the week on campus. Other measures to keep the community safe include:  

  • Mandatory PCR Test for any student who enters the campus for the first time 
  • Mask-wearing 
  • Social distancing 
  • A specific medical protocol in place for potential COVID+ student  
  • 80 gel dispensers in the corridors and classrooms 
  • Floor markings in the corridors 
  • Enlarged exterior zones, which allow for safe picnicking, events or social exchanges 
  • Specific measures for the catering, restaurant and common spaces have been implemented 

All safety measures and specific adaptations on & off-campus have been assembled on a dedicated page of the student portal.