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Professeur Emérite

Information Systems et Operations Management

 Profile picture


Laoucine Kerbache est titulaire d'un PhD en génie industriel et recherche opérationnelle (Université du Massachusetts, USA, 1984) qui traite de l'optimisation des flux en milieu industriel et d'une Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) obtenue en 2000 à l'université de Nantes. Il est aussi titulaire d'un Master of Science (MSc., 1981) et d'un Bachelor of Science (BSc., 1979) dans le même domaine obtenus à l'Université du Massachusetts (une partie du cursus fait à l'Université de Syracuse (USA)).

Il a été au préalable à l'ESC-Rennes en tant que : Directeur de la Pédagogie (1999-2000) et des Relations Internationales (1996-2000), Directeur de la recherche (1992-1998), Directeur de l'Executive MBA (1991-1995), ainsi que Professeur (1990-2000) de gestion de production/logistique et techniques quantitatives.

Ses recherches et ses publications sont centrées autour du développement de modèles d'optimisation pour des problèmes de management industriel et logistique. Il est directeur de thèse de doctorants à l'Open University (UK). Il présente régulièrement ses travaux lors de congrès en Europe et en Amérique du Nord.
Il est l'auteur ou coauteur de nombreuses publications dans des revues académiques internationales telles que : European Journal of Operational Research, Operations Research and Computers, Gestion 2000 , Material Flow, etc. Par ailleurs, il est membre de plusieurs comités de lecture.
Il a intervenu, en tant que professeur invité, dans plusieurs programmes à l'étranger : Helsinki School of Business and Economics, Tashkent State University of Economics, University of World Economics and Diplomacy (Ouzbekistan), Université de Dniepropetrovsk (Ukraine), Ecole Nationale Polytechnique d'Alger, Université du Massachusetts (année sabbatique), etc. Il a aussi fait des missions de conseil et d'ingénierie pédagogique pour le compte de plusieurs organisations telles que : ONUDI, BIT, UE, FNEGE, etc.

Articles scientifiques

Frontiers and trends of supply chain optimization in the age of industry 4.0: an operations research perspective

Annals of Operations Research, juillet 2024, vol. 338, pp 1359-1401, (in coll. with Z. Xu, A. Elomri, R. Baldacci, Z. Wu)

A Closed Queueing Networks Approach for an Optimal Heterogeneous Fleet Size of an Inter-Facility Bulk Material Transfer System

Logistics, mars 2024, vol. 8, n° 26, pp 1-38, (in coll. with M. Amjath, J. M. Smith)

Smart city solutions: Comparative analysis of waste management models in IoT-enabled environments using multiagent simulation

Sustainable Cities and Society, avril 2024, vol. 103, pp 105247, (in coll. with D. I. Hussain, D. A. Elomri, D. A. E. Omri)

Performance Predication of a Solar Assisted Desiccant Air Conditioning System Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network: An Integrated Machine Learning Approach

Heliyon, mai 2024, vol. 10, n° 9, pp e29777, (in coll. with S. Ullah, D. M. Ali, M. F. Sheikh, D. G. Q. Chaudhary)

Consumers’ Marketing Channel Choice and the Impact on Logistics and Operations: A Systematic Literature Review of the Fresh Food and Grocery Sector

Logistics, 2024, vol. 8, n° 1, (in coll. with H. Alkhiyami, M. Hadid)

Vehicle Relocation in One-Way Carsharing: A Review

Sustainability, 24 janvier 2024, vol. 16, n° 3, pp 1014, (in coll. with A. F. Eliyan)

Queueing network models for the analysis and optimisation of material handling systems: a systematic literature review

Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (ex International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems), juin 2024, vol. 36, pp 668-709, (in coll. with M. Amjath, A. Elomri, J. M. Smith)

Optimisation of Buffer Allocations in Manufacturing Systems: A Study on Intra and Outbound Logistics Systems Using Finite Queueing Networks

Applied Sciences, 2023, vol. 13, Special Issue Design and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems, n° 17, pp 9525, (in coll. with M. Amjath, J. M. Smith, A. Elomri)

A genetic algorithm for scheduling open shops with conflict graphs to minimize the makespan

Computers and Operations Research, août 2023, vol. 156, n° 106247, (in coll. with N. E. Tellache)

Transformative Procurement Trends: Integrating Industry 4.0 Technologies for Enhanced Procurement Processes

Logistics, 2023, vol. 7, n° 63, pp 1-40, (in coll. with A. Althabatah, M. Yaqot, B. Menezes)


Doing business in Qatar: case studies for executive education

Editions Winterwork (in coll. with W. AMANN )

Doing Business in the MENA Region: Insights from the EFMD Case Writing Competition

Emerald Group Publishing Limited (in coll. with W. AMANN, N. BURQUEL )

Management industriel et logistique

Editions Economica (in coll. with G. BAGLIN, O. BRUEL, J. NEHME, C. VAN DELFT )

Management industriel et logistique

Editions Economica (in coll. with C. VAN DELFT, G. BAGLIN, O. BRUEL, A. GARREAU, M. GREIF )

Management industriel et logistique

Editions Economica (in coll. with M. GREIF, C. VAN DELFT, A. GARREAU, O. BRUEL, G. BAGLIN )

Management industriel et logistique

Editions Economica (in coll. with M. GREIF, A. GARREAU, C. VAN DELFT, G. BAGLIN, O. BRUEL )

Management industriel et logistique

Editions Economica (in coll. with G. BAGLIN, O. BRUEL, M. GREIF, C. VAN DELFT, A. GARREAU )

Chapitres d'ouvrages

COASTAL: Group of companies mounting a manufacturing industry in Qatar

Doing Business In Qatar: Case Studies For Executive Education, W. Amann, L. Kerbache, Editions Winterwork

Optimal Internet Media Selection

From Little'S Law To Marketing Science: Essays In Honor Of John D.c. Little, John R. Hauser, Glen L. Urban, MIT Press, 2

Les enjeux stratégiques de la supply chain

L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 212-218

Planning and Scheduling Transportation Vehicle fleet in a Congested Traffic Environment

Supply Chain Management - European Perspectives, R. de Koster, W. Delfmann (Eds), Copenhagen Business School Press, chapitre 13 , 262-284

The Generalized Expansion Method

Queueing Theory In Manufacturing Systems Analysis And Design, H. T. Papadopoulos, C. Heavey, J. Browne (Eds), Chapman & Hall

Actes de conférence

Robotics in Surgeries: Surgical Robot Operation and Workflow Optimization

2024 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) , 2024 , Bristol (A. Riad, M. Hadid, A. Elomri, A. E. Omri)

Bibliometric and Narrative Review Analysis of Additive Manufacturing's Impact on Supply Chain Resilience

2023 International Conference on IEOM , 2023 (M. AMJATH, A. ELOMRI)

Optimal Buffers Allocation in an Inter-facility Material Transfer System Modelled as a Closed Queueing Network and Analysed Through a Simulation-Optimisation Approach

13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management , 2023 (M. AMJATH, A. ELOMRI, J. SMITH)

Bridging the parcel delivery last mile gap in Qatar: Challenges and enhancements

10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control , 2022 , 55 , 10 (R. Jamous, A. A. Omari)

Cahiers de recherche

Optimal Strategy for Stochastic Product Rollover under risk using CVAR analysis

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2012

Analysis of Crossdocking in a distribution system to reduce the bullwhip effect

Mimeo , 2007

Capacited News-boy Model Problem With Non-Linear Parameters

Mimeo , 2007

Optimal Internet Media Scheduling

Mimeo , 2007

Internet Media Planning: An Optimization Model

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2004

Planning and Scheduling Transportation Vehicle fleet in a Congested Traffic Environment

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2004

An Optimization Algorithm for Virtual Memory Computer System

Mimeo , 2024

Workforce Planning and cross-training

Mimeo , 2024

Articles scientifiques

A Closed Queueing Networks Approach for an Optimal Heterogeneous Fleet Size of an Inter-Facility Bulk Material Transfer System

Logistics, mars 2024, vol. 8, n° 26, pp 1-38, (in coll. with M. Amjath, J. M. Smith)

Consumers’ Marketing Channel Choice and the Impact on Logistics and Operations: A Systematic Literature Review of the Fresh Food and Grocery Sector

Logistics, 2024, vol. 8, n° 1, (in coll. with H. Alkhiyami, M. Hadid)

Frontiers and trends of supply chain optimization in the age of industry 4.0: an operations research perspective

Annals of Operations Research, juillet 2024, vol. 338, pp 1359-1401, (in coll. with Z. Xu, A. Elomri, R. Baldacci, Z. Wu)

Performance Predication of a Solar Assisted Desiccant Air Conditioning System Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network: An Integrated Machine Learning Approach

Heliyon, mai 2024, vol. 10, n° 9, pp e29777, (in coll. with S. Ullah, D. M. Ali, M. F. Sheikh, D. G. Q. Chaudhary)


Doing business in Qatar: case studies for executive education

Editions Winterwork (in coll. with W. AMANN )

Doing Business in the MENA Region: Insights from the EFMD Case Writing Competition

Emerald Group Publishing Limited (in coll. with W. AMANN, N. BURQUEL )

Management industriel et logistique

Editions Economica (in coll. with G. BAGLIN, O. BRUEL, J. NEHME, C. VAN DELFT )

Management industriel et logistique

Editions Economica (in coll. with C. VAN DELFT, G. BAGLIN, O. BRUEL, A. GARREAU, M. GREIF )

Chapitres d'ouvrages

COASTAL: Group of companies mounting a manufacturing industry in Qatar

Doing Business In Qatar: Case Studies For Executive Education, W. Amann, L. Kerbache, Editions Winterwork

Optimal Internet Media Selection

From Little'S Law To Marketing Science: Essays In Honor Of John D.c. Little, John R. Hauser, Glen L. Urban, MIT Press, 2

Les enjeux stratégiques de la supply chain

L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 212-218

Planning and Scheduling Transportation Vehicle fleet in a Congested Traffic Environment

Supply Chain Management - European Perspectives, R. de Koster, W. Delfmann (Eds), Copenhagen Business School Press, chapitre 13 , 262-284

Actes de conférence

Robotics in Surgeries: Surgical Robot Operation and Workflow Optimization

2024 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT) , 2024 , Bristol (A. Riad, M. Hadid, A. Elomri, A. E. Omri)

Bibliometric and Narrative Review Analysis of Additive Manufacturing's Impact on Supply Chain Resilience

2023 International Conference on IEOM , 2023 (M. AMJATH, A. ELOMRI)

Optimal Buffers Allocation in an Inter-facility Material Transfer System Modelled as a Closed Queueing Network and Analysed Through a Simulation-Optimisation Approach

13th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management , 2023 (M. AMJATH, A. ELOMRI, J. SMITH)

Bridging the parcel delivery last mile gap in Qatar: Challenges and enhancements

10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control , 2022 , 55 , 10 (R. Jamous, A. A. Omari)

Cahiers de recherche

Optimal Strategy for Stochastic Product Rollover under risk using CVAR analysis

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2012

Analysis of Crossdocking in a distribution system to reduce the bullwhip effect

Mimeo , 2007

Capacited News-boy Model Problem With Non-Linear Parameters

Mimeo , 2007

Optimal Internet Media Scheduling

Mimeo , 2007


  • Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Management des Opérations, Université de Nantes - France
  • Ph.D. in IEOR, Massachusetts University - Etats-Unis
  • Master of Science in IEOR, Massachusetts University - Etats-Unis
  • Ingénieur en IEOR (Génie industriel et recherche opérationnelle), Massachusetts University - Etats-Unis

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2023- Professeur Emérite HEC Paris
  • 2009-2023 Professeur HEC Paris
  • 2004-2023 Membre du GREGHEC, le laboratoire de recherche CNRS-HEC Paris HEC Paris
  • 2013-2016 CEO and Academic Dean, HEC Paris in Qatar HEC Paris
  • 2008-2012 Doyen Associé, Directeur du Doctorat HEC HEC Paris
  • 2000-2009 Professeur Associé HEC Paris
  • 2007- Directeur académique du programme International Railways Strategic Management Institute (IRSMI) HEC Paris
  • Responsable académique des activités HEC à l'ESAA d'Alger HEC Paris
  • Directeur du MS HEC Management de la supply chain - Logistique globale et achats internationaux HEC Paris

Responsabilités académiques externes

  • 1999-2000 Directeur de la Pédagogie ESC Rennes

Activités scientifiques

Adhésion à l'organisation académique ou professionnelle

  • Advisory Board Member of the African Research Center (ARC) Research Advisory Panel
  • Research Committee Member, European Logistics Association (ELA), Brussels
  • Institut Doctoral Paris Tech

Activités scientifiques

  • Rapporteur pour IIE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of Operations Research, Computers and Operations Research, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Interfaces, IEEE Transactions on Automation and Cybernetics, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Management Mathematics, etc...

  • Conference organisation

  • 2001- Organisation du séminaire IFG Logistics (CEMS) (en coll. avec A. Garreau)
  • 1999 et 2000 - Organisation de l'International Annual Conference, Network of International Business Schools (NIBS), Rennes
  • Prix ​​& honneurs

    • 1979 Major de promotion (IEOR)
    • 1979 Alpha Pi Mu (Industrial Engineering Honor Society)
    • 1979 Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society)