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Vasiliki KOSTAMI

Professeur Associé

Information Systems et Operations Management

 Profile picture


Vasiliki Kostami completed her PhD Operations Management at Marshall School of Business, USC in Los Angeles in 2010 when she joined the faculty of London Business School as an Assistant Professor at the Management Science and Operations Department. She holds a MSc in Business Mathematics (AUEB) and a BSc in Mathematics from the University of Athens. Her research interests mainly focus on the management of service operations. She works on the modelling of service systems, such as entertainment facilities, call centers and health care facilities under uncertainty. Specifically, she has looked at queue management problems for amusement parks such as Disneyland, quality management problems for healthcare, and optimal inventory management in manufacturing sector. Her recent work deals with problems on the interface of marketing and operations and service system design in online (crowdsourcing) labor platforms. Her academic work has been presented in international conferences and top ranked universities and her research articles have appeared in leading academic journals. She has been teaching various courses on Data Analytics, Business Analytics and Data Management, Strategic Decision Making, Stochastic Modelling and Service Operations in several programs including the Grande Ecole, the Masters programs, the full time MBA and the executive MBA, as well as the PhD program.


Articles scientifiques

If You Love Your Agents, Set Them Free: Task Discretion in Online Workplaces

Management Science, mars 2024, vol. 70, n° 3, pp 1787-1809,

Price and Lead time Disclosure Strategies in Inventory Systems

Production and Operations Management, décembre 2020, vol. 29, n° 12, pp 2760-2788,

Pricing and Capacity Allocation for Shared Services

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, printemps 2017, vol. 19, n° 2, pp 230-245, (in coll. with D. KOSTAMIS, S. ZIYA)

Speed–Quality Trade-Offs in a Dynamic Model

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, hiver 2014, vol. 16, n° 1, pp 104-118, (in coll. with S. RAJAGOPALAN)

Managing Service Systems with an Offline Waiting Option and Customer Abandonment

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, automne 2009, vol. 11, n° 4, pp 644-656, (in coll. with A. R. WARD)

Actes de conférence

Physician dual practice: Service quality, altruism and profit-seeking

5th World Conference on Production and Operations Management , 2016 , La Havane , 0 , 0 (D. A. ANDRITSOS)

Cahiers de recherche

Advertising by Recruiting Influencers

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2022

Advertising by Recruiting Influencers

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2021

Articles scientifiques

If You Love Your Agents, Set Them Free: Task Discretion in Online Workplaces

Management Science, mars 2024, vol. 70, n° 3, pp 1787-1809,

Price and Lead time Disclosure Strategies in Inventory Systems

Production and Operations Management, décembre 2020, vol. 29, n° 12, pp 2760-2788,

Pricing and Capacity Allocation for Shared Services

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, printemps 2017, vol. 19, n° 2, pp 230-245, (in coll. with D. KOSTAMIS, S. ZIYA)

Speed–Quality Trade-Offs in a Dynamic Model

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, hiver 2014, vol. 16, n° 1, pp 104-118, (in coll. with S. RAJAGOPALAN)

Actes de conférence

Physician dual practice: Service quality, altruism and profit-seeking

5th World Conference on Production and Operations Management , 2016 , La Havane , 0 , 0 (D. A. ANDRITSOS)

Cahiers de recherche

Advertising by Recruiting Influencers

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2022

Advertising by Recruiting Influencers

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2021


  • Ph.D., in Business Administration, Management des opérations, University of Southern California - Etats-Unis

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2017- Professeur Associé HEC Paris
  • 2017- Membre du GREGHEC, le laboratoire de recherche CNRS-HEC Paris HEC Paris

Responsabilités académiques externes

  • 2010-2017 Professeur Assistant London Business School
  • 2005-2010 Research & teaching assistant, Informations Systems and Operations Management University of Southern California

Activités scientifiques

Activités scientifiques

  • Referee: Operations Research, Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management o European Journal of Operations Research, IIE Transactions, M&SOM Services Special Interest Group Conference, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Naval Research Logistics, Queueing Systems