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Professeur (Education Track)

Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise

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Pablo Martin de.Holan. is the Dean of HEC Paris in Qatar where he also teaches Strategy and Entrepreneurship. Prior to this, he was the founding Dean at the MBSC College of Business and Entrepreneurship in KAEC, Saudi Arabia, a 350MM US start up school. He is also the co-Editor in Chief of the Journal of Management Inquiry, a respected peer-reviewed Academic journal created over 25 years ago.

Previously he was the Dean of MBAs (EMLYON France) and he also managed the Global Entrepreneurship Program with Purdue and ZJU (China) and the DBA with Lingnan - Sun Yat Sen University, China, among others. Prior to that he acted as the Vice-President of International Executive Education for EMLYON. From 2006 to 2012 he was the Chairman of the Entrepreneurial Management Department of the IE Business School in charge of all Entrepreneurship professors and programs. 

His research explores the different dimensions of knowledge creation in organizations and the relation between them and sustainable competitive advantage, both in established organizations and in startups. His publications explore the problems that emerge when organizations try to implement their strategic decisions and change processes and the solutions that can be implemented. Before his PhD from McGill University, Pablo earned two Masters from the Sorbonne University in Paris.

Simultaneously to his academic career, he has worked as a consultant to several international organizations such as the World Bank (IFC), NGOs (CARE, Intermon - Oxfam) transnational corporations, state owned firms and several privately owned companies in Canada, France, Spain and Latin America. Since the beginning of his career, Pablo has taught in over 30 countries in three different languages (French, English and Spanish).

Articles scientifiques

“The watchdog is siding with the thieves”: Failing neoliberal policies and successful derisking in the Global South

Organization, À paraître, (in coll. with A. Saleem, F. R. Khan)

Breaking the Wall: Emotions and Projective Agency Under Extreme Poverty

Business and Society, 2 décembre 2019, vol. 58, n° 5, pp 919-962, (in coll. with A. WILLI, P. D. FERNÁNDEZ)

Dialogue as Renounced Aggression: JMI and the Case of AOM’s President’s Response to EO13769

Journal of Management Inquiry, juillet 2019, vol. 28, n° 3, pp 268-275, (in coll. with R. W. STACKMAN, N. ARGYRES, S. CABRAL, T. P. MOLITERNO, J. STONER, J. P. WALSH)

Expanding Research on Corporate Corruption, Management, and Organizations

Journal of Management Inquiry, 2017, vol. 26, n° 3, pp 247-253, (in coll. with S. ZYGLIDOPOULOS, P. HIRSCH, N. PHILLIPS)

Keeping up with the Joneses: Industry rivalry, commitment to frames and sensemaking failures

Human Relations, 2017, vol. 71, n° 3, pp 427-455, (in coll. with F. PAZZAGLIA, M. FARRELL, K. SONPAR)

The Process of Crafting Resistance

Journal of Management Inquiry, 2016, vol. 25, n° 1, pp 93-95,

Location advantage: Emergent and guided co-evolutions

Alliance Journal of Business Research, avril 2014, vol. 67, n° 4, pp 508-515, (in coll. with Á. CUERVO-CAZURRA, L. SANZ)

It’s All in Your Head: Why We Need Neuroentrepreneurship

Journal of Management Inquiry, 2013, vol. 23, n° 1, pp 93-97,

Ex-stories: The dangers of disgruntled former employees

MIT Sloan Management Review, 13 juin 2013, vol. 54, n° 4, pp 8-9, (in coll. with F. PAZZAGLIA, S. FLYNN, K. SONPAR)

Actes de conférence

Students at the National Border Interface: Providing Support in and out of the Classroom

Entrepreneurship Of Misery: Entrepreneurial Activity In Extreme Poverty

In Search of the “Entrepreneurial Mindset”:Insights from Neuroscience

Towards neuroentrepreneurship? Early evidence from a neuroscience study

Articles scientifiques

Breaking the Wall: Emotions and Projective Agency Under Extreme Poverty

Business and Society, 2 décembre 2019, vol. 58, n° 5, pp 919-962, (in coll. with A. WILLI, P. D. FERNÁNDEZ)

Dialogue as Renounced Aggression: JMI and the Case of AOM’s President’s Response to EO13769

Journal of Management Inquiry, juillet 2019, vol. 28, n° 3, pp 268-275, (in coll. with R. W. STACKMAN, N. ARGYRES, S. CABRAL, T. P. MOLITERNO, J. STONER, J. P. WALSH)

Expanding Research on Corporate Corruption, Management, and Organizations

Journal of Management Inquiry, 2017, vol. 26, n° 3, pp 247-253, (in coll. with S. ZYGLIDOPOULOS, P. HIRSCH, N. PHILLIPS)

Keeping up with the Joneses: Industry rivalry, commitment to frames and sensemaking failures

Human Relations, 2017, vol. 71, n° 3, pp 427-455, (in coll. with F. PAZZAGLIA, M. FARRELL, K. SONPAR)

Actes de conférence

Students at the National Border Interface: Providing Support in and out of the Classroom

Entrepreneurship Of Misery: Entrepreneurial Activity In Extreme Poverty

In Search of the “Entrepreneurial Mindset”:Insights from Neuroscience

Towards neuroentrepreneurship? Early evidence from a neuroscience study


  • Ph.D., Stratégie et Management, McGill University - Canada
  • M.A. in Social Sciences, Université Paris IV Sorbonne - France
  • M.A. in Sociology, Université Paris IV Sorbonne - France

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2019- Dean, HEC Paris in Qatar HEC Paris
  • 2019- Professeur (Education Track), HEC Paris au Qatar, Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise HEC Paris

Responsabilités académiques externes

  • 2016-2019 Dean of Academic Affairs (founding) MBS College of Business and Entrepreneurship
  • 2014-2016 Dean of MBAs EM Lyon Business School
  • 2013-2014 Vice President, International Executive Education EM Lyon Business School
  • 2012-2014 Professeur Visitant Krannert School of Management, Purdue University
  • 1998-2014 Professeur en Stratégie INCAE Business School
  • 2005-2012 Professeur Adjoint MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Technology) ZLC Program
  • 2003-2012 Professor of Entrepreneurial Management & Strategy IE Business School
  • 2006-2011 Chairman, Entrepreneurial Management Area IE Business School