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Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion

 Profile picture


Keith Robson est titulaire d'une licence en économie et études sociales, majeure économétrie, d'un master en comptabilité et finance (tous deux obtenus à l'Université Victoria de Manchester) et d'un doctorat en reporting financier de l'Institut de sciences et technologies de l'Université de Manchester.

Il est auteur ou co-auteur de trois ouvrages, de sept chapitres dans des collections publiées et de plus de 35 articles dans des revues académiques d'études de la comptabilité, de la gestion et des organisations (Accounting, Auditing and Accountability ; Accounting and Business Research ; Accounting, Business & Financial History ; Accounting, Organizations and Society ; Critical Perspectives on Accounting ; Economy and Society ; European Accounting Review ; Human Relations ; Organization ; Research in the Sociology of Organizations ; Science in Context). Il est par ailleurs rédacteur en chef de Accounting, Organizations and Society, ancien rédacteur en chef adjoint du British Accounting Review et membre du conseil des revues Accounting, Auditing and Accountability, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, International Journal of Auditing, Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Organizational Change et British Accounting Review.

Ses recherches portent sur la mesure et la diffusion des performances ; les études sociopolitiques de la réglementation comptable ; la profession, les entreprises professionnelles et la professionnalisation ; le contrôle de gestion dans les établissements scolaires ; et les méthodes d'audit. Keith est membre de l'Association américaine de comptabilité (AAA), de l'Association britannique de comptabilité et de finance (BAFA), de l'Association européenne de comptabilité (EAA) et ancien étudiant du consortium doctoral de l'AAA (en tant que nominé BAA) et du colloque doctoral de l'EAA. Il a bénéficié d'une bourse de recherche de l'Institut britannique des comptables agréés, et co-organise aujourd'hui le colloque doctoral de l'EAA.

Keith a travaillé à l'Université d'Aberystwyth, à l'Institut de sciences et technologies de l'Université de Manchester (UMIST), à l'Université de Manchester et à l'Université de Cardiff. Professeur honoraire de l'École de commerce de Cardiff, il a enseigné la comptabilité de gestion à différents niveaux à Aberystwyth, Cardiff et Manchester. Il enseigne désormais la comptabilité analytique (Master en sciences de gestion du programme Grande École) et les théories du contrôle de gestion (programme doctoral) à HEC, et supervise un étudiant en doctorat à HEC Paris et deux de l'École de commerce de Cardiff de l'Université de Cardiff.

Articles scientifiques

Diversity and the Evaluation of Talent in the Accounting Profession: The Enigma of Merit

Accounting Horizons, mars 2024, vol. 38, n° 1, pp 27-37, (in coll. with F. Anderson-Gough, C. Edgley, N. Sharma)

Technological mediation, mediating morality and moral imaginaries of design: Performance measurement systems in the pharmaceutical industry

Accounting, Organizations and Society, juin 2024, vol. 112, n° 101535, (in coll. with C. Bottausci, C. Dambrin)

“He Hears”: An essay celebrating the 25 year anniversary of The Audit Society

Critical Perspectives on Accounting, décembre 2023, vol. 97, n° 102581, (in coll. with C. Bottausci)

The cultural fields of accounting practices: Institutionalization and accounting changes beyond the organization

Accounting, Organizations and Society, janvier 2023, vol. 104, n° 101379, (in coll. with M. Ezzamel)

Organizational responses to multiple logics: Diversity, identity and the professional service firm

Accounting, Organizations and Society, novembre 2022, vol. 103, n° 101336, (in coll. with F. Anderson-Gough, C. Edgley, N. Sharma)

Editorial: Accounting research and practice in the time of pandemic (v5) (Editorial)

Accounting, Organizations and Society, avril 2021, n° 101243, (in coll. with M. Annisette, M. E. Peecher)

Editorial: Themed section on accounting and valuation studies

Accounting, Organizations and Society, 2021, vol. 91, n° 101223, (in coll. with Y. Millo, M. Power, H. Vollmer)

Problematizing profit and profitability: discussions

Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 2020, vol. 33, n° 4, pp 753-793, (in coll. with A. LOWE, Y. NAMA, A. BRYER, N. CHABRAK, C. DAMBRIN, I. JEACLE, J. LIND, P. LORINO, C. BOTTAUSCI, C. SPENCE, C. CARTER, E. SVETLOVA)

The multiplicity of performance management systems: heterogeneity in multinational corporations and management sense-making

Contemporary Accounting Research, printemps 2019, vol. 36, n° 1, pp 451-485, (in coll. with M. EZZAMEL, D. COOPER)

The sociology of translation and accounting inscriptions: Reflections on Latour and Accounting Research

Critical Perspectives on Accounting, juillet 2018, vol. 54, pp 60-75, (in coll. with C. BOTTAUSCI)


Local Management of Schools: the Creation and Implementation of Budgets

CIMA (in coll. with P. EDWARDS, M. EZZAMEL, C. MCLEAN)

Making Up Accountants: the Professional and Organizational Socialization of Chartered Accountants

Ashgate (in coll. with F. ANDERSON, C. GREY)

The Local Management of Schools Initiative

CIMA (in coll. with P. EDWARDS, M. TAYLOR, M. EZZAMEL)

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Accounting practitioners, work and organisations

The Routledge Companion To Accounting History, 2Nd Edition, John Richard Edwards, Stephen P. Walker (Eds), Routledge, London, 39


The Routledge Companion To Critical Accounting, Robin Roslender, Routledge, London, 184-204

The Corporation in Accounting

The Corporation: A Critical, Multi-Disciplinary Handbook, Grietje Baars, and Andre Spicer, Cambridge University Press, 1, 180-196

Critical Accounting

The Oxford Handbook Of Critical Management Studies, M. Alvesson, T. Bridgman, H. Willmott (Eds), Oxford University Press

Socio-political studies of financial accounting and standard setting

Accounting, Organizations And Institutions, C. Chapman, D.J. Cooper and P. Miller (Eds), Oxford University Press, 1-29

Firm Histories

Companion To Accounting History, S. Walker, J.R. Edwards (Eds), Routledge, London

Connecting Science to the Economic

Science And Economic Calculation, M. Power (Ed.), Cambridge University Press

Regulating the UK Accountancy Profession: A Changing Relationship between the State and the Profession

Accounting As Social And Institutional Practice, A.G. Hopwood , P.B. Miller (Eds), Cambridge University Press

On Understanding the Development of the Accountancy Profession in the UK

Critical Accounts, D. J. Cooper, T. M. Hopper (Eds), Macmillan

Power and Management Control

Critical Perspectives In Management Control, W.F. Chua, E.A. Lowe, A.G. Puxty (Eds), Macmillan

Cahiers de recherche

Multiple measures, inscription instability and action at a distance: performance measurement practices in the pharmaceutical industry

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2010

Articles scientifiques

Diversity and the Evaluation of Talent in the Accounting Profession: The Enigma of Merit

Accounting Horizons, mars 2024, vol. 38, n° 1, pp 27-37, (in coll. with F. Anderson-Gough, C. Edgley, N. Sharma)

Technological mediation, mediating morality and moral imaginaries of design: Performance measurement systems in the pharmaceutical industry

Accounting, Organizations and Society, juin 2024, vol. 112, n° 101535, (in coll. with C. Bottausci, C. Dambrin)

“He Hears”: An essay celebrating the 25 year anniversary of The Audit Society

Critical Perspectives on Accounting, décembre 2023, vol. 97, n° 102581, (in coll. with C. Bottausci)

The cultural fields of accounting practices: Institutionalization and accounting changes beyond the organization

Accounting, Organizations and Society, janvier 2023, vol. 104, n° 101379, (in coll. with M. Ezzamel)


Local Management of Schools: the Creation and Implementation of Budgets

CIMA (in coll. with P. EDWARDS, M. EZZAMEL, C. MCLEAN)

Making Up Accountants: the Professional and Organizational Socialization of Chartered Accountants

Ashgate (in coll. with F. ANDERSON, C. GREY)

The Local Management of Schools Initiative

CIMA (in coll. with P. EDWARDS, M. TAYLOR, M. EZZAMEL)

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Accounting practitioners, work and organisations

The Routledge Companion To Accounting History, 2Nd Edition, John Richard Edwards, Stephen P. Walker (Eds), Routledge, London, 39


The Routledge Companion To Critical Accounting, Robin Roslender, Routledge, London, 184-204

The Corporation in Accounting

The Corporation: A Critical, Multi-Disciplinary Handbook, Grietje Baars, and Andre Spicer, Cambridge University Press, 1, 180-196

Critical Accounting

The Oxford Handbook Of Critical Management Studies, M. Alvesson, T. Bridgman, H. Willmott (Eds), Oxford University Press

Cahiers de recherche

Multiple measures, inscription instability and action at a distance: performance measurement practices in the pharmaceutical industry

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2010


  • Ph.D., The University of Manchester - Royaume-Uni
  • M.A., The University of Manchester - Royaume-Uni
  • Bachelor of Arts in Econometrics, The University of Manchester - Royaume-Uni

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2020- Membre du GREGHEC, le laboratoire de recherche CNRS-HEC Paris HEC Paris
  • 2016-2020 Coordinateur de département, Comptabilité-Contrôle de Gestion HEC Paris
  • 2014- Professeur, Comptabilité-Contrôle de Gestion HEC Paris

Responsabilités académiques externes

  • 2005-2014 Professeur, Comptabilité Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University
  • 2004-2005 Professeur, Comptabilité Manchester Business School
  • 1998-2004 Professeur, Comptabilité Manchester School of Management
  • 1995-1998 Maître de conférences, Comptabilité-Contrôle de Gestion Manchester School of Management
  • 1988-1995 Maître de conférences, Comptabilité-Contrôle de Gestion Manchester School of Management
  • 1986-1988 Maître de conférences, Comptabilité University College Wales
  • 1984-1986 Assistant de Recherche, département Management Sciences Manchester School of Management

Activités scientifiques

Adhésion à l'organisation académique ou professionnelle

  • Management Committee, Board and Doctoral Committee of the European Accounting Association
  • Member, European Accounting Association; Management Control Association

Activités scientifiques

  • septembre 2015- Editor-in-Chief, Accounting, Organizations and Society
  • juillet 2013- Co-Editor, Accounting, Organizations and Society
  • juillet 2013- Editeur, British Accounting Review
  • 1991-1995 Member of the Editorial Board, European Accounting Review
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Critical Studies in Finance, Accounting and Behavioural Research, Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Organizational Change, International Journal of Auditing, Critical Perspectives on Accounting
  • Former Associate Editor, British Accounting Review
  • Rapporteur, Accounting and Business Research; Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Accounting, Management and Information Technologies; American Journal of Sociology; Accounting, Organizations and Society; British Accounting Review; British Journal of Sociology; Contemporary Accounting Research; Critical Perspectives on Accounting; European Accounting Review; Gender, Work and Organization; Human Relations; Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Organizational Change; Journal of Accounting and Public Policy; Journal of Management Studies; Management Accounting Research; Organization; Organization Studies; Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management; Scandinavian Journal of Management

  • Conference organisation

  • 2011-2011 Co-organizer of the first Financial Reporting as Social and Organizational Practice Workshop (with Professor Michael Power, LSE, & Professor Joni Young, University of New Mexico)
  • Co-organizer of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Tenth Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Accounting Conference (IPA), Manchester July 1994, 1997, 2000 and Cardiff 2006, 2012